Variable yang menghandle update pesan dari Telegram dan metod-metod respon cepat terhadapnya
4 menit dibaca
Dimana itu ctx
Lihatlah code berikut:
adalah context itu.reply
adalah method (shorthand) untuk menghandle pesan
Berikut kerangka isi dari ctx.
Context dibuat per request dan berisi beberapa properti:
Property | Description |
ctx.telegram |
Telegram client instance | |
alias ctx.telegram |
ctx.updateType |
Update type (message, inline_query, etc.) |
[ctx.updateSubTypes] |
Update subtypes (text, sticker, audio, etc.) |
[ctx.message] |
Received message |
[ctx.editedMessage] |
Edited message |
[ctx.inlineQuery] |
Received inline query |
[ctx.chosenInlineResult] |
Received inline query result |
[ctx.callbackQuery] |
Received callback query |
[ctx.shippingQuery] |
Shipping query |
[ctx.preCheckoutQuery] |
Pre-checkout query |
[ctx.channelPost] |
New incoming channel post of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc. |
[ctx.editedChannelPost] |
New version of a channel post that is known to the bot and was edited |
[ctx.poll] |
New version of a anonymous poll that is known to the bot and was changed |
[ctx.pollAnswer] |
This object represents an answer of a user in a non-anonymous poll. |
[] |
Current chat info |
[ctx.from] |
Sender info |
[ctx.match] |
Regex match |
[ctx.broadcast] |
update type bot.on |
Context shortcuts for message update:
Context shortcuts for callback_query update:
Shortcut | Bound to | Available | Params |
addStickerToSet |
telegram.addStickerToSet |
answerCbQuery |
telegram.answerCbQuery |
text, showAlert, extra |
answerGameQuery |
telegram.answerGameQuery |
url |
createNewStickerSet |
telegram.createNewStickerSet |
deleteChatPhoto |
telegram.deleteChatPhoto |
deleteMessage |
telegram.deleteMessage |
deleteStickerFromSet |
telegram.deleteStickerFromSet |
editMessageCaption |
telegram.editMessageCaption |
caption, extra |
editMessageMedia |
telegram.editMessageMedia |
media, extra |
editMessageReplyMarkup |
telegram.editMessageReplyMarkup |
markup |
editMessageText |
telegram.editMessageText |
text, extra |
exportChatInviteLink |
telegram.exportChatInviteLink |
forwardMessage |
telegram.forwardMessage |
getChat |
telegram.getChat |
getChatAdministrators |
telegram.getChatAdministrators |
getChatMember |
telegram.getChatMember |
getChatMembersCount |
telegram.getChatMembersCount |
getStickerSet |
telegram.getStickerSet |
leaveChat |
telegram.leaveChat |
pinChatMessage |
telegram.pinChatMessage |
reply |
telegram.sendMessage |
text, extra |
replyWithAnimation |
telegram.sendAnimation |
animation, extra |
replyWithAudio |
telegram.sendAudio |
replyWithChatAction |
telegram.sendChatAction |
replyWithDice |
telegram.sendDice |
replyWithDocument |
telegram.sendDocument |
replyWithGame |
telegram.sendGame |
replyWithHTML |
telegram.sendMessage |
text, extra |
replyWithInvoice |
telegram.sendInvoice |
replyWithLocation |
telegram.sendLocation |
replyWithMarkdown |
telegram.sendMessage |
text, extra |
replyWithMediaGroup |
telegram.sendMediaGroup |
replyWithPhoto |
telegram.sendPhoto |
replyWithPoll |
telegram.sendPoll |
replyWithSticker |
telegram.sendSticker |
replyWithVideo |
telegram.sendVideo |
replyWithVideoNote |
telegram.sendVideoNote |
replyWithVoice |
telegram.sendVoice |
setChatDescription |
telegram.setChatDescription |
setChatPhoto |
telegram.setChatPhoto |
setChatTitle |
telegram.setChatTitle |
setStickerPositionInSet |
telegram.setStickerPositionInSet |
sticker, position |
setStickerSetThumb |
telegram.setStickerSetThumb |
stopPoll |
telegram.stopPoll |
unpinChatMessage |
telegram.unpinChatMessage |
unpinAllChatMessages |
telegram.unpinAllChatMessages |
uploadStickerFile |
telegram.uploadStickerFile |
unbanChatMember |
telegram.unbanChatMember |
replyIt |
telegram.sendMessage |
text, extra |
replyItWithAudio |
telegram.sendAudio |
(v3.6) | audio, extra |
replyItWithDocument |
telegram.sendDocument |
(v3.6) | doc, extra |
replyItWithHTML |
telegram.sendMessage |
(v3.6) | text, extra |
replyItWithLocation |
telegram.sendLocation |
(v3.6) | lat, lon, extras |
replyItWithMarkdown |
telegram.sendMessage |
(v3.6) | text, extra |
replyItWithPhoto |
telegram.sendPhoto |
(v3.6) | photo, extra |
replyItWithSticker |
telegram.sendSticker |
(v3.6) | sticker, extra |
replyItWithVideo |
telegram.sendVideo |
(v3.6) | video, extra |
Context shortcuts for inline_query update:
Shortcut | Bound to |
answerInlineQuery |
telegram.answerInlineQuery |
Context shortcuts for shipping_query update:
Shortcut | Bound to |
answerShippingQuery |
telegram.answerShippingQuery |
Context shortcuts for pre_checkout_query update:
Shortcut | Bound to |
answerPreCheckoutQuery |
telegram.answerPreCheckoutQuery |
Check in this code:
Adalah konsep jika dimasukkan sebuah trigger, jika trigger ditemukan maka tetep diteruskan ke trigger selanjutnya.
Untuk dapat berkesinambungan, perlu dijalankan fungsi next()
pada context.